Brenda and you can see her mini blog here: Brenda's Miniatures
Daisy, who has 5 mini blogs - you can see them here
Suzeeez who has just started a blog. Looking forward to seeing what you post (Here).
And Sandy, who has a some absolutely beautiful (full size) jewelry on her blog.
I promise I will post more pictures of what I've been working on soon. I've actually be making quite a few things! I've made good progress on the bobbin lace pillow for my mom - it's nearly finished now. Just waiting for some microbeads to be delivered (any day now!) so I can finish the bobbins! I have to say it was my first piece that I've built from scratch with no tutorial to follow, and I'm really pleased with how it's come out.
Also I've put together one of that House of Miniature Chippendale armchairs. I've got a sofa and another armchair still to do, but I've just discovered they have parts missing! So now I'm not sure if I should just scrap them and buy more (eBay here I come!) or try and make the missing parts.
And lastly, last night I worked on the drapes for the living room. They look really good! I'm so pleased with them! I'll put them up tonight and get some photos.
Oh and I also made one of those skirted table cloth tables the other day. Again very pleased with myself! So lots to photograph for you all to look at! I promise I'll get to it tonight! The kids are napping now, so I have to get on with some real-life work! No rest for the wicked!
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